Fenugreek seeds for pcos

Fenugreek seeds also known as Methi dana are one of the best home remedies for pcos.It has tons of benefits in reducing cysts in ovaries.

Benefits for pcos

1- Women with pcos mostly have insulin resistance as their body cells are not able to properly utilize insulin in body thus leading to insulin resistance and increased levels of insulin in turn causes hyperandrogenism.Fenugreek seeds helps in reducing insulin resistance by maintaining insulin levels in the body.
2- They are high in soluble fibre which helps in controlling blood sugar levels and in managing cholesterol thus helps in weight loss that also aids in reversing pcos.
3- Improves glucose metabolism in body.
4- Studies have shown that it reduces cysts in ovaries.
5- Fenugreek seeds water works as a detox water and is extremely very effective in pcos.

How to consume it

There are different ways to consume it but two most effective are

First take 2-3 glasses of water and add 2-3 tsp fenugreek seeds in it.Leave it for almost an hour and consume it.You have to finish this water before evening.

Second way to have its benefits is to add 2-3 tsp of fenugreek seeds in it.Leave it overnight and next morning on an empty stomach take out almost 1-1.5 tsp of seeds out of water and eat them.Now drink the infused water sip by sip and eat the remaining seeds after finishing water.

And thats it.Its that easy all you have to do is go to your kitchen and have it and it will do wonders.


I always say to seek your physician's advice who knows your case before adding anything new in  your diet.
And always eat healthy whole foods alongwith this remedy.
Exercise 3-4 times in a week
And you will see results in no time
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