Coriander seeds benefits for pcos

Coriander seeds also called as Sukha dhania is used alot in cooking.It is also used in treatment of several health issues like digestive problems,upset stomach etc.

But today we will discuss about its benefits for pcos,how these seeds actually work in curing pcos.

Nutrition in corainder seeds

These seeds are rich in Quercitin which is a important element that helps in weight loss bh speeding up the metabolism.
They are rich in Vit C,Vit k,beta carotene,antioxidants,manganese,iron,magnesium,potassium and folate.

Benefits for pcos

1- Improves bloating that mostly happens in pcos as it improves digestive problems.

2- Helps in weight loss as they contain qeurcitin that boosts metabolism and that helps in improving symptoms of pcos.

3- Detox is extremely important for body especially if you want to lise weight in a healthy way and want yor body to absorb all those essential nutrients properly.Water infused with coriander seeds does wonders as a detox and improves bloating,removes toxins from the body and aids in weight loss.

4- Help lower blood sugar levels.

5- Promote gut health.

6- Helps in reducing inflammation that results from allergies.

7- Reduces cholesterol and balances hormones.

8- Also helps in clearing acne.

9- Helps in arthritis and allergies.

10- Improves hair quality.

There are many more other benefits of them 

How to consume it

Take a glass of water add 1/2-1 tsp of cruhed coriander seeds in it.Leave it overnight and have this water on an empty stomach in the morning and you can chew the seeds.
Or you can boil this water in the morning until it reduces a bit and then have it on an empty stomach.

You can also add this in your meals,smoothies,sauces etc.


1- Do not take anything in excess.Always leave a gap of few days in between your consumption days as if you take it regularly for a longer period of time your body will stop showing any reaction to it.
2- Do not exceed beyond a healthy safe limit as it will dor more harm than good.
3- Take other detox waters while having break in this way your body will not stop showing results to a single type of detox water.


Ask you physician before starting anything new in your diet as everyone has different body composition.What works for them may not work for you.So you have to manage the things accordingly.

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