Body hair in PCOS

 A lot of us are facing the problem of unwanted dark,coarse hair on body and face due to PCOS,and this condition is called as Hirsutism.


The main reason of hirsutism is abnormal increase in the level of androgens(testosterone) in female body that leads to excessive hair growth on face and body.

How to manage this condition...

• First thing first that you have to control the excessive testosterone in the body by medication or home remedies,both ways are equally effective but we all know that natural ways to control a problem are more long lasting.

• By balancing the hormones in your boy you will see a drastic decrease in your body and facial hair growth.


Few supplements that will be helpful are...
• Fish oil
• Magnesium supplements
• Calcium with Vit D
• Inositol
• Spearmint tea
But make sure to always consult a doctor without taking any supplement.Make sure yo check this if you want to know about best supplements for Pcos

Methods to remove excessive hair

1- Laser Hair Reduction


This method works very well and the advantage is that when hair regrow they are much thinner ,softer and less visible than before.


But the major drawback of this condition is that it is extremely expensive so not everyone can afford it.

2- Waxing


We all are aware of this method of removing hair.It is long term with much slower hair growth.


If not done properly then it may cause ingrowths so make sure to contact a professional.

3- Shaving

This method is super convenient and cheap and does not cause any thickening of hair.

4- Hair Removing Cream

It is also very convenient method but its not long term.

5- Threading

This is the most cheap of all and also works very well but its not that convenient to do threading on certain parts of the body.


I hope you find these simple techniques helpful and make sure to love yourself.
Its not just with you every woman with pcos is fighting this condition so remember that you are not alone in this journey.

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