Pcos hair loss home remedies and tips

Hair loss is a common symptom in women with pcos.

Reason of hair loss

As we know in pcos there are increased levels of androgens in the body basically male hormones(testosterones) increases.And this increase in male androgens in females causes male pattern baldness also called as Hirsutism.

Tips to prevent hair loss

1-Avoid crash dieting

As we know that weight loss is extremely important in treating pcos if you are over weight(however in certain cases you are underweight but thats a whole new topic as it effects every body differently)Now women with pcos sometimes go on certain crash diets that extremely very harmful even for a normal person.

Crash diets deprive you of important nutrients.Your body need certain important minerals and vitamins to be healthy and when you do crash diet and starve yourself,the lack of these minerals and vitamins are obviously gonna show up on your body e.g..in form of hair loss

So instead of putting yourself in starvation mode try to need whole food,get nutrients from natural highly nutritious food sources.

2-Drink green juices/smoothies

Green juices/smoothies are really very good source of nutrients as they are high in vitamins and minerals.So make sure to add green vegetables such as broccoli,cauliflower,kale,brussel sprouts etc in your diet as they are extremely good for your hair health also.

3-Eat fruits but moderately

Incorporate fruits in your diet as they are extremely good for skin,hair and your body.But try to eat moderate amount as they are extremely high in sugars.

High fiber fruits such as berries(strawberries,blueberries,raspberries etc),guava,kiwis,bananas,oranges,papaya etc are also very good for pcos.

4-Take mutivitamins

Consult your physician about your situation and start to take multi vitamins.This is a very crucial step in pcos as women with pcos usually lack vitamins especially vit D.

Vit B,Vit C,Vit E are also very important for hair as well as skin.And also try to obtain these through your diet as you know natural vitamins are best.

5-Do not take stress

Stress is a major enemy for women with pcos.It worsens this situation so much that you can not even imagine.It disturbs your hormone levels and ultimately the effects are shown in form of hair loss,bad skin etc.

• Do not overthink
• Meditate
• Try to be busy in doing things that make you happy
• Read positive books etc
• Exercise

6-Avoid tight high ponytails

Now this is a very common trend especially among teenage girls but they do not know how much harm it causes to your hair.All the weight of your hair is sort of on your front hair making them thinner and thinner that leads to more hair loss.

7-Healthy fats

Healthy fats are essential for the growth of hair.Try to take healthy fats from 
 • Avocados
 • Coconut oil
 • Nuts
 • Seeds
 • Nut butters
 • Olive oil etc.

8-Vitamin D supplements

Vitamin D deficiency and pcos come hand in hand.And deficiency of this vitamin is the major reason of hair thinning and eventually hair loss.

Take vit D supplements but by the recommendation of your doctor.Incorporate food that is high in vit D such as
• Mushrooms like portabella
• Egg yolks
• Fatty fish like tuna,salmon etc
• Cheese
• Fortified milk etc.

9-Do not comb wet hair

When your hair are wet they are weak and when at this point you comb them you increase th chances of their breakage.So try to avoid combing your wet hair.

10-Have silk pillows

Now this tip does wonders.If you do not believe me you have to try this.Harsh cushion covers make you hair very rough and thin due to friction and they become so weak that they eventually break.

Silk covers are extremely smooth and they not only protect your hair from breakage but are also very good for your skin.

Home Remedies

1-Rosemary essential oil+Coconut Oil

Rosemary essential oil is very good for the growth of your hair.

What you need to do is take coconut oil and add in a few drops of rosemary essential oil.Its better if you warm it up as warm oil is absorbed much better in hair.Now apply it all over your hair and massage it into your scalp.Leave it on for sometime and then wash it off with some mild shampoo

2-Amla oil

Amla also known as Indian gooseberry is so good for hair growth and skin.Try to have organic pure amla oil free of any chemicals and use it 2-3 times a week and it will do wonders to your hair.

3-Ghee/Clarified butter

Now i know some of you might hate the smell of ghee but if you love it like i do then this remedy will be easy for you.

Actually you have to do nothing just warm up some ghee and massage it directly into your scalp keep it for a while and wash it off with some mild shampoo and trust me you are gonna see a huge difference in just one application.Your hair will be more shiny,silky and frizz free

4-Onion juice

Onions provide sulphur to thicken the hair and make them stronger,prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.Trust me it works.Now there are two ways to do this

First is simply take a white onion blend it separate its juice and directly apply it into your scalp.And then wash it off with mild shampoo.NOTE:wash it off using a sulphur free mild shampoo you can always use baby shampoo.

Second and personally i think it works better but you have to do some extra effort.Take coconut oil and add in the chopped white onions,not too much,just eye ball them.Now cook those onions in coconut oil until they turn dark brown to black.Turn the heat off and put this oil in a glass bottle and seal it.Keep it for a day or two.Now after a day or two remove the onions from the oil using a sieve and your oil is ready.Apply it,massage it and wash it off with mild shampoo.


So these are all the tips and best home remedies that worked for me and i hope will work for you.
Stay healthy and enjoy stress free life.

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