What to eat and avoid If you have Pcos

Its a really big concern as what to eat and what should you avoid if you have pcos.Well,we all know if you have pcos it all comes to a healthy diet and to some extent exercise but exercise is also a must.let me share with you something that i have learned and its something that i have tried personally and it works...

What to eat if you have pcos...

   When it comes to pcos you really have to make sure to eat such food that will not drastically effect your blood sugar levels and in turn your insulin levels as it all comes to insulin for abnormal hormonal levels in pcos.

    • High fiber food.

        High fiber foods take a lot of time to digest as compared to other food items and the thus slowly spikes your blood sugar levels and thus in turn insulin levels.As insulin rises slowly it will not increase the hormones i.e testosterone (that as we all know is bad for women with pcos).
High fiber food includes...
   • FRUITS such as apples(2.4-2.5%),strawberries(2%),pears(3.1%),raspberries(6.5%),bananas(2.6%),blackberries(5.3%)etc
  • LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES such as broccoli(2.6%),spinach etc
  • LEGUMES such as black beans(8.7%),lima beans(5.3%),baked beans(5.5%),kidney beans(6.4%),chick peas(7.6%),split peas(8.3%) etc
  •OTHERS such as oats(10.6%),quinoa(2.8%),popcorn(14.5%) etc
  • OTHER VEGETABLES such as carrots,beets,brussel sprouts etc

     • Low GI Food

     Foods having low glycemic index means that they do not rise blood sugar levels thus are extremely beneficial for women with pcos.
These include vegetables,fruits,lentils,whole grains,multi grains etc.

    • Less Inflammatory food

   These include
     • fatty fish like salmon,tuna,sardines etc
     • nuts like almonds,walnuts etc
     • olives,olive oil
     • fruits like blueberries,oranges
     • green leafy vegetables etc

 What not to eat on Pcos...


    • Food high in refined carbohydrates.

   Refined carbohydrates are a big no when it comes to pcos as they cause inflammation.They also raise blood sugar levels so drastically which in turn increases insulin.Continuous intake of such food items causes insulin resistance i.e..our body cells stop reacting to insulin thus causing insulin resistance that leads to high blood insulin levels thus worsening the situation.
Such foods are..
   • white breads,bakery items,cookies,cupcakes,muffins or anything made from white flour.
   • white rice,pasta,pastries etc

    • Sugary drinks

   Colas,energy drinks and other beverages are now in so much trend that rarely someone can see the harm they cause to our body.They contain so much sugar that is extremely bad even for a healthy person.You can imagine it by the fact that a 16 oz of cola bottle contains 44g sugar.Yeah thats too much.

   • Inflammatory food

   Excess alcohol,processed meat,artificial trans fat,sugar,high fructose corn syrup HFCS etc..

   Now let me explain you different kinds of sugars they put in our food items and we are completely unaware of that.HFCS is one of them.Make sure you check out the ingredients and be aware of these added sugars...
       • dextrose
       • fructose
       • maltose
       • high fructose corn syrup HFCS
       • sucrose
       • confectioner's sugar
       • malt syrup
       • molasses etc


    •Be aware of what you eat and make sure what are the ingredients of what you are eating.
    •Be aware of the sugar they put in different food items using different names.
    •Try to eat homemade healthy food.
    •Don't forget to eat healthy and live healthy.

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