If you have pcos you should know that it comes with several impacts on our overall health.It can cause many problems to our body if not treated or controlled.Here you will be able to know the risk factors that come in hand with pcos along with their management.

 • Risk Factors of Pcos

   1- Type 2 Diabetes

     Hyperinsulinemia,one of the cause of pcos,causes insulin resistance which leads to chances of type 2 diabetes.Their body is able to make insulin but their cells are unable to use it to move glucose in them.

     Thus you have to make sure to watch your blood glucose levels,don't eat such food that spike your blood glucose as it will harm your body and cause even severe insulin resistance.

   2- Depression

    Hormone imbalance also lead to mental health issues mood swings,depression,anxiety and mood swings.

   3- High Cholesterol

   There is still no accurate proof that how pcos causes high cholesterol levels,but about 70% of women with pcos have hypercholestrolemia.

   Their lipid profile is effected as..
- high triglycerides level
- decrease in HDL level(which is healthy/good fat)
- high LDL level(bad cholesterol)
- increase VLDL

  Also apolipoproteins B, that metabolizes lipids and carry fat around the body,is raised and apolipoprotein A1 ,which is the major protein component of HDL,decreases.

   4- Sleep apnea

   First of all what is sleep apnea?Its a sleeping disorder in which you snore while sleeping and breathing starts and stops repeatedly.

   Hyperandrogenism and increased fat deposition disturbs our sleep signals thus leading to sleep apnea.
   And thats not all,your sleep deprivation causes tiredness,difficulty losing weight,hypertension and even insulin resistance thus further exacerbating the condition.

  5- Obesity

   As discussed earlier pcos leads to type 2 diabetes in which the cells become insulin resistant leading to high blood sugar levels that causes weight gain as the blood glucose is not utilized by the cells for their function.

   Also increased cholesterol in pcos also plays a role in weight gain and leads to obesity.

  6- Infertility

   If not managed properly pcos can cause infertlilty.But remember it can be cured if you take care of your health and diet and exercise regularly to shed those extra pounds, it will help alot in reversing this condition.

   Remember if you are able to lose weight in pcos,it increases your chances of conceiving.

  7- Non-Alcoholic Fatty liver

  NAFL is also linked with insulin resistance and obesity.About 25-30% of the population is influenced by it.

    • Management of Pcos


  1- Weight Management

     Maintaining an ideal weight is the key to pcos management.
     Always remember that in case of pcos you have to lose weight by eating right food not less food.
        -  Low GI Food.  Always prefer food that has low glycemic index,as they do not cause spike in blood sugar levels as we ingest them,as it is very harmful especially in insulin resistance case,rather they slowly increase the blood sugar levels.

        - Fibre.  Food high in fibre keep you full for longer period of time.The main benefit we get here is that it not only lowers cholesterol levels but also controls blood sugar levels.

        - Omega 3 fatty acids. Food rich in these fatty acids help reduce testosterone levels in pcos.Nuts(almonds,walnuts etc),seeds(flaxseeds,chia seeds),fish especially fatty fish,plant oils(canola oil,flaxseed oil) are some food items that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

        -High Protein food. Are more filling and also reduces insulin levels both of which have positive impact on pcos.

  2- Exercise

     Exercise should be the crucial part of your life if you are suffering from pcos.There are tons of benefits of exercise..
    - it improves insulin sensitivity thus preventing chances of type 2 diabetes
    - helps to manage weight
    - lowers cholesterol levels
    - produces serotonin hormone which improves mood,sleep and appetite.

  3- Proper sleep

    8 hours sleep is crucial for healthy body and mind.Lack of sleep decreases insulin resistance,increases hunger and ofcourse affects your mood which by now you are well aware is not good for someone who is suffering from pcos.

  4- Reduce Stress

   I can not emphasize it enough.Though it does not seem to cause a big deal,stress can definitely intensify pcos,so follow these extremely simple steps to improve your mood.
      -Keep yourself busy
      -Do things that make you happy
      -Do not overthink

  • Conclusion

    I hope by know you know the mandatory steps that you need to take to manage this condition.See your doctor and run some tests to see if you have any of the risk factors mentioned above.Make healthy diet and exercise your weapons to fight this condition and always remember to stay happy because you can do it.

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