Best Healthy and Natural Sugar substitues

 White sugar is a big no when it comes to eat healthy and nutritious food.

White sugar just contains empty calories and no nutrition or vitamins which can only harm your body.Also white sugar promotes inflammation in the body that is extremely bad for women with pcos.

So its time to switch to healthy and natural sugar substitues that are full of nutrition and provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals.



3-Raw Honey

4-Coconut sugar

I will discuss each of these briefly to show you the amazing benefits that you can have while enjoying your desserts or drinks.


1-Jaggery is full of potassium,iron,magnesium,sodium and calcium.
2-It acts as a cleansing agent for your body.
3-It aids in digestion.
4-It boosts energy.

But be careful as not to consume too much of it.The calories provided by 1tsp of jaggery is 18 calories same as white sugar but full of nutrition.


Dates are extremely very healthy for your body.You can consume a good quantity of them as they are full of fibre.
Being rich in fibre they balance out the carbs and sugar present in it thus not harming the body especially for diabetics as it does not spike your insulin levels.
Moreover it offers tons of benefits to the body.
1-It promotes bone health
2-Improves haemoglobin
3-Can help to gain weight or lose weight depending on the usage
4-Balance insulin levels

1 pitted date contains around 20-30 calories and 90-95% carbs and remaining mostly proteins.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is simply considered as a whole food bcz of the impact it has on our body.
1- It has a lower glycemic index thus it does not spike the insulin levels and that is a plus point for pcos and diabetic patients.
2- It has a great amount of powerful antioxidants thus clears the body off of the harmful toxins in the body.
3-It prevents allergic reactions thus by consuming a small amount in luke warm water you can get away from your seasonal allergies.

1 tbsp of honey (21g) contains 64 calories with 17g sugar.

Coconut Sugar

The unique benefit that only coconut sugar provides among all other sugar substitues is that it is rich in Inulin which is aprebiotic fibre.

Being rich in prebiotics it helps to grow and flourish our gut bacteria thus improving digestion and aids in better absorption of the minerals and vitamins from the food that we consume.

1 tbsp coconut sugar contains 45-50 calories with 12-15 g sugar


Make sure to enjoy all the blessings that you have but in a healthy way that suits your body and is nutritious for you in a long run.
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