Seed Cycling and Pcos

What is seed cycling?Its basically adding certain seeds in your diet according to your menstrual cycle.It basically helps in hormonal balance in pcos.

Now when you know that you have pcos and have started to notice the symptoms of pcos like hairfall,weight gain,no periods/irregular periods,acne,hirsutism etc you can start to incorporate this in your diet.It will definitely help along with your proper healthy diet of course.

Phases of menstrual cycle

Two important phases of menstrual cycle are
   1- Follicular Phase
   2- Luteal Phase
    Basically in follicular phase which is about first 14 days of menstrual cycle your estrogen hormone levels are high and follicles in ovary mature from primary follicle to graafian follicle 

    And in second phase which is the luteal phase next 14 days of menstrual cycle ,progesterone level is high in body.It occurs after ovulation and just before the start of your periods.

Seeds to add in diet

1- Flax seeds
2- Pumpkin seeds
3- Sesame seeds
4- Sunflower seeds

Seeds for Follicular phase

For first phase (1-14 day) you have to take
1 tbsp crushed flax seeds+1 tbsp crushed pumpkin seeds

Now you can take these at anytime of the day.You can have them with meals or you can add them in your smoothies its totally on you.

How these are going to work..

Flax seeds are rich in omega 3,phyto estrogens,lignans etc.Phytoestrogens in flaxseeds basically adapt to body's estrogen needs and lignan protects the body from harms of excess estrogen by binding the excess estrogen and eliminating it from the body.In this way it balances hormones in first phase.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in B vitamins,iron,zinc,magnesium,protein,healthy fatty acids which also helps in balancing hormones in first phase of cycle.

Seeds for Luteal phase

For second phase (14-28 day) you need to have
1 tbsp crushed sesame+1 tbsp sunflower seeds

How it works

Sesame is high in selenium and zinc  and blocks excess estrogen which is important for hormone balance.Most important thing to do in this phase is to encourage your body to make progesterone because progesterone keeps estrogen in check.

Sunflower seeds is rich in vit E that boosts progesterone levels in the body that helps keeping hormones in balance.


Remember to dry roast the seeds and crush them before eating so that you can get all benefits from them.As without crushing these seeds are not fully digested in gut and thus you are gonna miss major benefits of them.


Taking medicine in pcos is not bad if you really need them but also try to take care of everything through natural ingredients and add these things in your lifestyle to get long term benefits.
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