Yes,there are different types of pcos based upon the cause of it.Proper knowledge of your condition of pcos is extremely important before you start any treatment.So lets go ahead and talk about these types...

• Types Of Pcos.

  There are four types of pcos..

 1-Insulin Resistant Pcos
 2-Pill Induced Pcos
 3-Inflammatory Pcos
 4-Hidden Pcos

• Insulin Resistant Pcos.

  It is the most common type of pcos also known as pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome.Insulin resistance means having high insulin levels.

  In this situation your cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced by your body thus the levels of insulin begin to rise in blood.In other words cells become insulin resistant.

  And as we know that high insulin causes the production of male hormones (testosterone) which is normally low in women leading to male factors in women as hirsutism,weight gain,lack of periods etc.

  - Cause.

  The cause of this type is indulging large amount of sugar which eventually leads to weight gain and insulin resistance.

  - how to manage it.

  Quit the intake of sugary food and take low GI food that will not spike your blood glucose levels and keep your insulin levels at check.
  And try to lose weight,make exercise an important part of your life and it will reverse insulin resistance and make your cells more Insulin sensitive.

 • Pill Induced Pcos.

  It is the second most common type of pcos.So how will you know that you have this specific type of pcos?Its simple.If you were having regular periods before taking the pills,but absent afterwards plus some signs of pcos like acne,high Lh to Fsh ratio  and possibly cysts on ovaries.

  - Cause

  It develops due to use of birth control pills.

These pills suppress ovulation but these effects do not last for long and ovulation starts as soon as the effect of pill is over.

  Some women,however,will experience ovulation suppression for months or even years after the pill.In other words they won't have a period at all.Thus there is most likely pill induced pcos.

  • Inflammatory Pcos.

   In this specific type ovulation is prevented due to chronic low grade inflammation.If you have symptoms like inflammation in body,head aches,skin allergies and your blood tests show deficiency in vit D,any thyroid issue then you might be having this specific type of pcos

 - cause

 1- Stress
 2- Inflammatory dietary like gluten,sugary food etc
 3-Environmental toxins
Now i can not emphasize enough how major is the role of stress and diet is in this situation.

 - Management

Do not take stress.Start meditation.Stop indulging the foods that cause inflammation like bakery items,gluten diet,sugary stuff.Start having healthy diet whole grains,food with magnesium that has anti-inflammatory effects.

 • Hidden Pcos

  Factors that block ovulation here are
  -thyroid disease
  -iodine deficiency as ovaries need iodine
  -too much soy as it can disturb hormone levels
  -artificial sweeteners
  -vegetarian diet that mostly lacks zinc which is also a basic need of ovaries.

 - Management

  You have to see your doctor in order to know the exact cause of pcos in this case and then take medications and improve your diet in accordance with the particular deficiency you have.

  • Conclusion

  By now you should be able to determine which particular type of pcos you have.So i recommend to see your doctor and take proper care of your health and most important of all if you don't want it to happen again all you need is "healthy diet and exercise"
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