Essential Supplements for fertility in Pcos

Nutritional deficiency is very common in women with pcos.To cure this condition and to maintain a healthy life some supplements are extremely very essential for pcos.Best way is to add these supplements in your diet is through natural sources.


1- Magnesium
2- Chromium
3- Zinc
4- Inositol
5- Vitamin D
6- Folate
7- Cinnamon
8- Curcumin
9- Probiotic
10- Berberine
11- Melatonin

1- Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body.It is one of the most abundant minerals present in the body.If you have pcos its for sure that you may have been recommended to take magnesium supplements or increase its intake through diet.

According to a study in the Journal of Gynecology and Endocrinology women with magnesium deficiency are 19 times more likely to have pcos.It has tons of benefits and plays role in many important bodily functions such as
• Our muscles and nerves need it to work properly
• It is used in energy production
• Promotes good sleep
• Controls blood metabolism
• Reduces fatigue 
• Have anti inflammatory properties
• Helps PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) symptoms etc

Other than these it has tons of benefits thus its very essential to add it in your diet.

Food high in Magnesium

Spinach,almonds,cashews,pumpkin seeds,peanuts,avocado,potato with skin,oatmeal,yogurt etc

2- Chromium

Chromium is an essential trace mineral for the body.It is very essential in this condition as it reduces insulin resistance and treats hyperinsulinemia and improves glucose tolerance.

Food rich in chromium

Broccoli,liver,yeast,grapejuice,turkey,potatoes,green beans etc

3- Zinc

Zinc supplementation in women with pcos has shown following benefits
improves fertility
• improves acne
• reduces hirsutism
• improves insulin resistance
• prevent hair loss
• when used with magnesium has anti inflammatory effects
• also improves mood

Food rich in zinc

Beef,chicken,nuts,seeds,lentils,oysters,yogurt,mushrooms,avocados,blackberries,apricots,pomegranates,kiwi etc

4- Inositol

Inositol is a great supplement that is derived from glucose.It was known a long time ago that it was a B vitamin but its not.Its very helpful in pcos as it
• improves fertility
• improves mood that is very good in pcos
• aid blood sugar control
• reduce symptoms of depression
• it also monitors your metabolism by managing how your thyroid works
• it increases dopamine and serotonin production thus improves your mood,sleep,digestion and appetite

Food containing inositol

Whole grains,fruits especially citrus fruits ,vegetables,beans,sesame seeds,brown rice,corn etc

5- Vitamin D

Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is the most common in pcos women.It is associated with endometriosis as well as development of ovarian cysts and almost every other woman who has pcos is vitamin D deficient.

In pcos there are follicles in the ovary these follicles form androgens AMH (anti mullerian hormone) whose levels are usually high in pcos women.Vit D helps reduce AMH levels in the body thus improving pcos symptoms.
• It helps with fertility...yes it helps in maturation and development of egg in ovaries.
• Helps in metabolism of insulin
• It also controls cholesterol levels
• It also maintains healthy mood

Food rich in Vit D 

Egg yolk,fatty fish like salmon,tuna,cheese,mushrooms,beef liver,tofu,soy milk,soy yogurt etc

6- Folate

Now there is a difference between folic acid and folate.There is a certain enzyme in our body that is needed to convert folic acid to folate but certain people lack this enzyme.So if you are one of those people then make sure to add folate in your diet as it helps in better glucose metabolism and improves cholesterol levels in body.It also helps in fertility.Thus it is very important to add folate supplements in diet.

Food rich in folate

Broccoli,beans,spinach,leafy green vegetables,brussel sprouts,liver,chickpeas,peas,asparagus,cantaloupe etc

7- Cinnamon

Cinnamon also plays a very important role in improving symptoms of pcos.It improves menstrual cyclicity and also helps in glucose absorption and improves insulin sensitivity.If you want to know how it works then give it a read

8- Curcumin

Curcumin is an active component in turmeric that has anti inflammatory properties.It also improves Insulin sensitivity.

Turmeri has tons of benefits in pcos if you want to know detail then here is the link

9- Probiotic

Probiotics are very important in maintaining healthy gut.Basically our gut is full of bacteria that are very important in digesting food and absorbing nutrition.Thus it is very important to add fermented food in your diet to maintain healthy gut for better absorption of minerals from food.

Food rich in probiotics

Yogurt,kimchi,pickles,kefir,kombucha,some forms of cheese etc

10- Berberine

Berberine is a natural herb derived from plants.It is also present in turmeric.Now we all should be aware of metformin benefits in pcos by now.Berberine is a natural alternative to metformin.
• It is a very powerful insulin sensitizer
• It increases ovulation rate per cycle
• It improves fertility
• Lowers risk for type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol
• It is also good for fatty liver

11- Melatonin

Our body produces melatonin from pineal gland in response to dark.Thats why when it is dark we feel sleepy.In pcos irregular sleep is very common thus it is essential to add melatonin supplements in diet as it induces regular sleep thus prevents inflammation and insulin resistance.


These are the highly recommended supplements that you should add in your life by the consultation with your physician of course.And make sure to use good quality supplements.
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