5 best yoga poses for PCOS

 Diet and exercise go hand in hand.We can not achieve the goal of a healthy and fit life just by following only one of these two.

So today i will talk about 5 best yoga poses that will help you with pcos and your overall health maintenance

1- Butterfly Pose or Baddhakonasana

2- Reclined Butterfly Pose or Supta Baddhakonasana

3- Camel Pose or Ustrasana

4- Locust Pose or Shalabhasana

5- Wide Legged Forward Bend or Prasarita Padottanasana

Now i will briefly explain the steps and benefits of all these...

Butterfly Pose

1-Sit on the ground with your feet held straight in front of you.
2-Bring the soles of your feet together.
3-Hold your each foot with hands properly and make sure to keep your elbows against your inner thighs.
4-Make sure to sit straight, inhale and as you exhale lean forward from your hips until you feel the stretch.
5-Hold for 15-30 sec and repeat 2-4 times.


Helps in preparing for delivery.
Improves digestion.
Stretches your inner thighs and knees.
Relieves menstrual discomfort.
Improves blood circulation in lower body.

Reclined Butterfly Pose

1-Follow the first 2 steps of the butterfly pose described above.
2-Maintaining this position lie back on a bolster or you can keep anything that can match the height of bolster.You can keep your knees a bit above ground.
3-Make sure that your head neck and upper back is resting on bolster.
4-Place your hands on your belly or keep them on sides.
5-Stay in this position for 5-10 breaths and repeat 2-4 times.


Relieves stress.
Alleviates upper and lower back pain.
Stretches shoulders,triceps,groin,abductors,hamstrings and chest.

Camel Pose

1-Keep your knees on the ground as you are standing on your knees with your legs parallel and behind your body.
2-Keep your back straight.Do not bend hip joint.
3-Now place your hands to your lower back with fingers pointing downwards and elbows facing backwards.
4-Gently arch your back in such a way that a backbend forms.
5-Lift your chin up as you are looking towards the ceiling.
6-Push your chest forwards and upwards as pressing against the ceiling with the hands in the same position as described in step 3.
7-Do not do any step beyond your limits.
8-Stay for several breaths and repeat 2-4 times.


Posture improvement
Relieves back pain
Expands abdominal region thus improving digestion.
Improves respiration as it opens the chest.
Strengthens shoulders.
Reduces thigh fat.

Locust Pose

1-Lie down on your stomach with arms on the side of your body.
2-Rest your forehead on the ground/mat.
3-Now slowly inhale and raise your head,arms and shoulders up and look forward.
4-Now by staying in the same position lift your legs towards to ceiling without bending the knees.
5-Widen your chest across collar bones.
6-Hold for 30sec to 1min and repeat.


Sretches belly, chest, thighs and shoulders.
Improves posture.
Improves muscle of spine,buttocks and back.
It strengthens core.

Wide Legged Forward Bend

1-Stand straight on your mat.
2-Place your feet several feet apart.
3-Make sure that your heels are slightly more apart than toes.
4-Make sure that your back is straight and your belly is pulled in towards your spine.
5-Bend forward and hinge at your hips not waist.
6-Place your hands on mat directly below your shoulders.
7-Keep your neck,head and back straight and look straight on floor.
8-Stay for several seconds and then repeat.


Open hips.
Relief from backaches.
Relieves stress,anxiety and depression.
Increases the circulation to pelvic organs.


Make sure to not exceed the limit of your body for a posture as it can harm your body.
Make sure to gradually do each step avoiding jerks.
Your body flexibility will increase with time so do not force your body for a certain stretch as it can harm muscles.

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