Turmeric benefits for Pcos

Turmeric is a spice that is commonly used in cooking.It has also been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ages.Turmeric is known for its healing properties all over the world.But here we will discuss what are the major benefits it provides to the women with pcos.


1- Reduces Inflammation

Most of the cysts present in ovaries are formed due to inflammation.Turmeric contains a very important component called as Curcumin which is a very strong anti inflammatory component of turmeric thus it helps reducing cysts.

2- Natural antioxidant

As we have seen above curcumin in turmeric is anti inflammatory as well as a strong antioxidant.It helps remove harmful free radicals present in the body thus detoxify body which is crucial in weight loss plans.

3- Decreases heart diseases

Turmeric reduces the risk of many heart problems.It has anti-thrombotic effect.It also prevents diabetic CVS complications.

4-Helps reduce fat

Turmeric actually helps in reducing insulin resistance.High levels of insulin in the blood prevents the utilization of fat an turns the body in a fat storage mode thus in the presence of insulin we can never burn fat.By making the cells sensitive to insulin turmeric helps in burning fat and prevents body fron storing excess fat.

5- Fights depression

Mood swings are very common in pcos.Thus anything that maintains healthy mood is extremely good for women having pcos.Turmeric is one of them.It is shown to fights depression and promotes a healthy mood thus good for pcos.

How to take it...

There are several ways to add turmeric in your diet.
1- You can add it in your smoothies just a teaspoon or two will be enough and the good thing is it does not have such a strong taste so you can easily enjoy the taste of your smoothie while having benefits of turmeric.

2- Another option is to add it in your meals.While cooking food just add a tablespoon of turmeric and there you go.

3- You can also have turmeric tea but remember curcumin present in turmeric is not so efficiently absorbed in body so you have to add a little bit black pepper to your turmeric tea.Black pepper increases the absorption of healthy nutrients in turmeric from the body.To make tea just take a cup of hot water and add about 1/4 -1/2 tsp turmeric along with a pinch of black pepper and have it.You can have it before sleep or in the morning.

4- You can also have it in form of Golden Milk.Its is called so because it has tons of benefits for body.It has healing properties,anti inflammatory,anti oxidant,improves mood,controls blood sugar levels,reduces insulin resistance.for makin this take a glass of warm milk(if you have severe pcos prefer almond milk)and add a bit turmeric,cinnamon,ginger in it.You can add stevia in it if you want and have it.It also promotes healthy sleep if you have it before bed.


And thats it there are tons of other benefits of turmeric but these are mainly what we are looking for pcos.
So add this miracle spice in your diet and you will see improvement in pcos symptoms.