Ginger and lemon for weight loss In Pcos

Want to lose weight in a healthy way?Well in pcos its all about eating healthy and in a right way rather than eating in small amounts and keep on starving yourself that is actually bad for you.

Talking about weight loss,its basically all comes to fat loss,to get rid of that extra fat that has accumulated in your body by eating all that junk.

Diet and exercise for fat loss

Keeping track of what you eat and keep on exercising is an excellent way to lose fat.Eating highly nutritious food is extremely important in this journey.

Because it all comes to fat loss not muscle loss,because as we see mostly people think that by starving themselves they can lose weight.But that is extremely unhealthy,well i have already discussed it before if you wanna check it

Ginger benefits

Ginger is a well known root all around the world.It is also known for its amazing health benefits especially its slimming effect.It contains certain active components such as Gingerol,Shogaol and other structurally related substances.

How it works

Our body cells have receptors called as GLUT 4 receptors through which glucose in taken into the cell.When the glucose levels in the blood rises these receptors come to the surface of the cell and take in glucose.

Now what ginger does is it causes the receptors to disperse off more on the cell surface so that more molecules of glucose are taken inside the cell.

Anti-inflammatory effect.

First let us discuss that there are certain substances in our body that cause inflammation if we stop the formation of these substances or at least decrease their formation we can have an anti inflammatory effect.Some of these are prostaglandins,leukotrienes,pro inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1,IL-8 and TNF-α etc.

The active ingredients in ginger that are mentioned above inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin and leukotrienes by inhibiting prostaglandin synthase and 5-lipoxygenase respectively.

Anti- oxidative effects

First of all what is a oxidative stress? 

Certain biochemical reactions keep on occuring in our body such as oxidation,as a result of which products are formed,some of these products are free radicals.These free radicals in a specific amount are important for body but if their number increases beyond limit they put the body in a "oxidative stress" means they start to destroy DNA that leads to cell damage This phenomena also fastens tge process of aging.

To get rid of these excess free radicals in the body we have to take anti-oxidants through medications such as vit-C, vit-E etc.

Also we can add certain natural ingredients in our diet that have antioxidant properties such as Ginger.Specifically shogaol has exhibited the most potent anti inflammatory and anti oxidative properties.Thus adding ginger to your meal can help you get rid of those harmful free radicals in the body.

Fat Burning

Ginger is a fat burning spice.Gingerols in ginger stabilize blood sugar levels.Studies have shown that consuming ginger helps lowering blood cholesterol levels,burns fat thus reduces weight.It also plays an important role in hip to waist ratio.

Ginger lemon water for fat loss in pcos

We all are well aware of the amazing benefits of lemon as a fat burner.Lemon is known for ages in aiding weight loss.It also has amazing anti-aging effects on skin.It has many other benefits as well that you can see here.

Now lets move onto the lemon ginger drink.You just need to take 1/2 -2 litre water and add in a tbsp of grated ginger,tbsp of ginger juice and 1-2 tbsp lemon juice.You can add stevia in it if you want just to improve its taste.

Leave it for some time and drink it throughout your day but try to finish it before night.


1-This drink works miraculously in melting away that stubborn fat in your body.
2-One more benefit of this drink is that other detox drinks usually make you feel lethargic or weaker but not this one.
You can have it an still feel full of energy.


Now after knowing all these amazing benefits,you have to make sure that you are eating clean only then this drink works.If you are munching on the same amount of junk just in thought that you are taking this drink,then sorry thats not gonna work.
That will slow down your progress,so make sure to eat highly nutritious food not less food.