Detox for weight loss in Pcos

Want to lose those extra pounds to cure pcos?Well of all other things that you might be doing to help your weight loss journey,one is DETOX.

Its a very crucial step in aiding weight loss in a healthy way by removing away the toxins from your body and makes your body increase the absorption of all that good nutrients from your diet.

What detox does to your body...

Consider your body as a machine,what you do with a machine...well ,you oil it ,you keep it clean to improve its function and to keep it in a good state for a longer time.

Thats exactly what detox do.It removes away all the toxins that are accumulating or were present previously giving your body a new,healthy,clean version of itself that is able to work better and to absorb nutrients better. 

 Role of Liver in detox.

Liver has many important functions in our body and one of these is Detoxification.But if any thing interrupts the function of liver such as any disease,then detox effect is decreased.

Let me explain it a bit more so you can get a thorough idea of what we are talking about

 Liver receives blood from two sources..
1- From heart through hepatic artery
2- From intestine and some GIT through hepatic portal vein.

Whatever we eat,all the proteins,carbohydrates,fats,minerals and vitamins that are absorbed from intestines goes into the blood and then through Portal vein in the liver.

The liver keeps a close eye for any toxins in the blood reaching liver and removes these toxins.Now if the liver is not working well or the liver function is lost due to cirrhosis (scarring or fibrosis of liver) or any other liver disease the removal of toxins become difficult that also affects the absorption of minerals,vitamins from GIT.

For proper weight loss its very essential that your body is absorbing all important nutrients that it needs to work and lose weight in a healthy way.

Natural ways to detox body

1- Green tea

Green tea offers a lot of health benefits one of them is its antioxidant effect.It contains catechins in it that serve as antioxidants for the liver.But make sure to use good quality green tea.

2- Fiber

Fiber also helps in detoxification,so make sure to eat high fiber food such as fruits,green leafy vegetables especially spinach,kale,broccoli etc.

3- Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very great for your immunity.It is also amazing as it has a great antioxidant effect thus detoxifies body.All you need to do is to eat citrus fruits like oranges,lemon,grapefruits etc

4- Garlic

Garlic contains selenium,a compound that has anti oxidant effects in the body.Thus adding garlic to your daily routine really helps cleanse your body.Also it adds a good taste to your food and thats a plus.

5- Turmeric

Turmeric has tons and tons of good effects on health.We all know about its healing properties,its miracles in joint pain(arthritis),how it is helpful in preventing cold,flu,boosts your immune system and many more.We are not going into detail of that.

But here we are going to talk about its anti oxidant effect.Adding turmeric to your daily diet provides you with a bust of benefits.It is believed that turmeric can promote the Growth of new liver cells and you should know by now that healthier the liver,better the detox ,right.

Just take turmeric with warm milk or add it in your food but also you can make pills of turmeric and have it daily with water,its that easy and what you get is loads of health benefits.

6- Nuts

Nuts are rich source of proteins,amino acids and fats and have beneficial effects on liver.Walnuts,in particular,are high in arginine and omega 3 fatty acids both of these are helpful in cleansing and detoxifying liver.

Consume a handful of nuts daily and it will improve your liver health and try to have organic and unprocessed nuts as processed ones have added ingredients.


There are tons more natural sources to detoxify the liver and have anti-oxidant effect.
These are just a few of them that you can easily incorporate in your daily life without much trouble and still get their health benefits.