Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss In Pcos

Does apple cider vinegar works for weight loss? You should know that to cure pcos you should have to shed those extra pounds if you are over weight.Nowadays use of ACV is very common among people who are trying to lose weight especially belly fat.Now if it really works or not,thats a question...

Lets see how ACV vinegar effects our body,what are its benefits and harms and what are the myths about its use...

Myths about ACV...

 There are so much myths as ACV has lots of minerals,vitamins but it really does doesn't have lots of Vit A or Vit C or other minerals. does have that one thing because of which it really works and that is Acetic Acid hence decreasing pH and creating acidic environment.

Apple Cider Vinegar benefits...

 Lets move on to the benefits of ACV

1-Aids in Digestion.

Apple cider vinegar speeds up digestion of food especially carbs by activating certain enzymes in stomach,pancreas and other places in the body.These enzymes are present in the dormant state in the body and they need to be activated which is done by the acidic environment that ACV provides as it decreases pH.

2-Increases absorption of minerals and vitamins.

Acidic medium created by ACV helps in absorption of certain vitamins and minerals that need specific low pH otherwise they won't be absorbed such as Calcium,Magnesium,Iron etc.

3-Decreases Bloating.

Bloating occurs mostly due to problem in digestion of certain food items especially proteins.ACV activates certain important enzymes that are necessary for protein digestion.

4-Controls Pathogens.

As we all are well aware of the fact that the fruits and vegetables that we eat contain many pesticides.These may decrease but are not completely removed on washing them thus enters our body on eating.

These pathogens rarely survive in acidic medium hence taking ACV kills these pathogens as ACV is extremely acidic thus doesn't provide adequate environment for bacterial survival.

Moreover it also helps in SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) which is a condition where there is excess bacterial growth in wrong part of GIT as bacteria are mostly present in large intestine.

5-Decreases Acid Reflux.

There is a valve at the junction of the stomach and oesophagus called as "Cardiac Valve".This valve prevents the reflux of the food and the acid in oesophagus.

If the pH in stomach is between 1-3 there are lesser chances of acid reflux.Thus ACV making the stomach juices more acidic prevents this situation thus also helps in a condition called as GERD(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) in which there is reflux of acid in esophagus.

6-Releases Bile.

ACV activates certain enzymes of pancreas and also increases the release of bile that is formed in liver and released from gallbladder thus helps in fat digestion.

7-Control Blood Sugar.

Insulin resistance is a condition in which insulin is not taken in by the cells thus the cells are insulin resistant.This condition leads to the increase sugar levels in the blood along with increased insulin levels hence leads to weight gain.

ACV decreases insulin,insulin resistance and decreases blood sugar levels.

8-Protein-amino acid digestion.

Certain enzymes that are in dormant condition and need to be activated to digest certain amino acids present in protein are activated by acidic medium provided by ACV thus helps in protein digestion.

9-Increases Immunity.

ACV increases the no. of WBCs (white blood cells)that are the cells of immune response in our body.These cells are basically soldiers of our body that protect our body from foreign harmful particles and pathogens.

Disadvantages of ACV.

• Weakens teeth.

ACV can weakens your teeth if you drink it directly.It is always recommended to dilute it first and have it with straw to avoid direct contact with teeth.

• Should be avoided in ulcers.

As ACV have acidic effect it is recommended not to have it if you have problems like 
   •Gastritis(inflamed stomach with acid reflux) 
   •Zollinger Ellison Syndrome(a tumour in pancreas or in intestine causing increased production of gastric acid thus leads to ulcer).

How to take Apple Cider Vinegar...

The best way to have it is in the morning on an empty stomach or before meals as it helps in digestion
Take a tablespoon of ACV in glass or more of water and have it with a straw
You can also add a tablespoon of lemon to get more benefits out of it.


• Always consult your doctor before taking in anything new.
• Have medical checkup before using it to get an idea if you have any ulcer or conditions like gastritis.
• Every person has a different body composition...what worked for others may not work for you so always be aware of what is the condition of your body and what works best for you.