Benefits of Spearmint tea for Pcos

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition of cyst formation in ovaries in women because of higher than normal level of testosterone in the body. This hormonal imbalance causes excessive growth of coarse hair on women body which is known as hirsutism.

There are many causes of PCOS some of which are stress ,general inflammation in the body or insulin resistance.

Cure of this demands lifestyle changes and changes in your diet, key factor of which is not to exclude everything from your diet but to eat a healthy substitute of it to gain long term benefits.

If we talk about diet changes then you should add one more thing to your list which is SPEARMINT TEA. This tea provides tons of benefits to PCOS women not only in treating hormonal imbalance but also in reducing hirsutism that comes with it and so much more...


1-For Hormonal Imbalances

Studies have shown that including spearmint tea in diet not only reduces male hormones like testosterone in women, but also increases female hormone like LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone).

Thus by decreasing testosterone in body it reduces the risks of PCOS and increases fertility by increasing female hormones in women.

2-Reduces Hirsutism

Thick coarse hair is a characteristic of male body caused by testosterone hormone. In women with PCOS this hormone is abnormally high in the body thus leading to the growth of thick, coarse hair on the body especially around nippular area, chest and face.

You can get rid of these hair by just adding this simple natural ingredient in your diet, that by reducing testosterone level in the body reduces the coarse and thick hair on the body of women.

3-Reduces Stress

As you know by now that stress also contributes to PCOS. In some countries spearmint tea is also used to reduce stress and anxiety and to promote healthy sleep. Spearmint contains menthol that has been shown to promote relaxation.

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in your brain. It inhibits certain nerve signals in brain thus decreases nervous system activity. It is believed that menthol in spearmint interacts with this neurotransmitter receptors and promotes sedation and reduces stress.

4-Contains Antioxidants

Oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathophysiology of PCOS. Oxidative stress occurs due increase in the number of reactive oxygen species(ROS) in the body and impaired ability of the body to produce antioxidants to prevent their harmful effects. ROS damages cell membranes that can lead to cell death. Somehow in PCOS natural ability of our body to produce antioxidants reduces thus leading to oxidative stress.

Studies have shown that certain oxidative stress markers( MDA, AGEs and XO etc )are present in higher levels in women with PCOS than other women. These markers are a sign that shows more than normal amount of ROS formation in the body and their adverse effects.

So it is extremely necessary to detoxify the body to get rid of these ROS by adding antioxidants in your diet such as vit C, vit E, beta-carotene, flavones, catechins. Spearmint leaves are rich in antioxidant compounds such as menthol, limonene, flavones, flavanones and rosmarinic acid that help to get rid of ROS in body thus detoxifies the body.

How much spearmint tea is recommended per day...

It is recommended to have 2-3 cups of spearmint tea per day to gain its beneficial effects.


Make sure to not exceed this quantity as it my reduce the sex drive(low libido), reduced  strength and muscle tone, depressed mood, weight gain and sleep disturbances.