Benefits of meditation for PCOS

We believe it or not Stress plays a key role in maintaining our health.It has a huge impact on our mind and overall health.

Thats the reason yoga and meditation has become so important in maintaining health and calm mind these days.

Studies have shown that meditation effects your brain in so many positive ways leading to a overall positive impact on mind as well as body.So here i am discussing a few of them with you.

Significant drop in inflammation

Doing meditation on regular basis helps in controlling stress which if you do not know is one of the common reasons of inflammatiom and inflammation leads to many health problems especially if we talk about women with pcos.

Inflammation by itself leads to pcos so by reducing inflammation helps in treating pcos if you have inflammatory pcos.

Reduces anxiety and depression

Pcos comes with many mood swings the most common of which is anxiety,stress and depression.

Meditation helps to calm the body and mind and helps to manage stress in a better way.

It decreases the cell volume in amygdala that is responsible for stress,anxiety and fear thus helps in managing these emotions.

Helps in controlling Blood Pressure

After a period of doing meditation you will observe a significant change in your BP as it brings back the BP levels to normal.

Physically effects brain

Meditating effects the brain in many ways that help us control our daily life emotions,behaviour and other necessary skills such as learning ,writing etc.

Meditation improves our learning ability by increasing the size of left hippocampus.
It also effects other parts of brain like TPJ temporo parietal junction thus increases empathy for others and cingulate cortex that helps the way our mind thinks.

Helps to focus 

Increases the time period of focusing on a task without wondering about other things thus helps in concentrating better.

Slows down Aging

Studies have shown that meditation can protect the length on telomeres.

Telomeres are basically a part of our chromosomes that are associated with aging,as their length decreases with advanced age the process of aging speeds up.

Thus by protecting their length it slows down the process of aging.


There are tons of more benefits of meditation in our lives and we need it nowadays so much more than our parents and grand parents because we have such a small amount of time for ourselves in this world full of hustle bustle.
So make sure to spare some time for relaxing your body and mind and make meditation a crucial part of your daily life.