Is dairy good for pcos?

 This is the question that comes in the mind of almost every woman who suffers from PCOS

Are dairy products good for health of women with pcos?what harm does it cause?what are the better substitutes? 

I am gonna talk about dairy effecting women with PCOS.

How dairy effects women with PCOS

Dairy products such as milk do raise IGF that is insulin growth factor and androgens such as testosterone that are not good for women with pcos as their androgens level are already extremely high.


Best substitute for women with pcos is Almond Milk.
Some others are 
Coconut milk
Oats milk
Cashew milk
Soy milk

How to make Almond milk at home

1-Simply soak a cup or two of organic almonds overnight.
2-The next morning throw away the water in which they were soaked and do not peel them off
3-Now add 3-4 glasses of water in a blender,add in the soaked almonds and blend it well till it comes to a milky consistency.
4- You can always add some salt,vanilla extract in it for some flavour.
5-And thats it your very own organic homemade almond milk is ready
6- You can follow tha same steps for making cashew,coconut,soy milk etc..


Dairy effects differently in different cases of pcos so make sure to know that what exactly happens to your body on consuming a specific kind of food.
But we all want to be on a safe side right?So try to add a little dairy in your diet and substitute for what is more beneficial for you.