Fennel seeds benefits for pcos

Fennel seeds are very effective in pcos.It offers tons of benefits to your health.Fennel seeds contain 28 plant compounds.Its amazing for your hair,brain,bones,skin,respiratory problems,GIT problems,bloating etc

Here i will talk about how fennel seeds are helpful in pcos and how to use it.

Nutritional facts

Fennel seeds are rich in magnesium,zinc,calcium,manganese,iron,copper,folate etc.It is rich in polyphenol antioxidants and offers tons of benefits to your body.


Benefits in pcos

Fennel seeds are rich in Phytoestrogens,anethole

Thus they offer following benefits for women with pcos
• Balance hormones
• Help regulate period
• Boost fertility
• Good in menopause
• Reduce menstrual cramps

Benefits for weight loss

Fennel seeds are high in antioxidants thus helps in body detoxification that helps in weight loss.

High in manganese that boosts metabolism.

Reduces bloating which is a very common problem in women with pcos.

Also cures indigestion and constipation which often hinders your weight loss journey.

• It reduces water retention
• Balance hormones which is crucial in weight loss
• Suppress appetite
• Anti inflammatory
• Increase bile which helps in fat metabolism
• Reduces bad cholesterol
• Fights diabetes as it is low GI food which is good in case of pcos

How to consume

You can have them in the morning on empty stomach just take a cup of water and add 1-2 tsp of fennel seeds in it.leave it overnight.Then have this water in the morning.If you want you can give it a boil and then have it.

Or you can have it any time of the day before lunch or dinner.


Always make sure to have green coloured good quality fennel seeds as the shelf life of fennel seeds is very short they soon turn into brownish yellow colour and this form has already lost a lot of its nutrients.So make sure to have green coloured fresh fennel seeds.


It should be consumed in intervals.Do not consume it daily.Give a break in between.If you have it daily for long period your body will become used to it and will stop showing effective results.Thus always prefer to take a break for few days and then have it again.

Should be consumed in moderation (1-3tsp)

Always consult your doctor before starting anything new.