Overview of Pcos.

• Pcos

Also known as "Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome" is a hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age.The ovaries develop numerous small collections of fluid(follicle) and fail to release eggs regularly due to high androgen levels.
As you can see left ovary is normal whereas the right ovary is polycystic.

• Symptoms

Symptoms of pcos vary from person to person.Here we are going to talk about symptoms that are seen in majority of the cases.

    1-Irregular periods

      Most important symptom of pcos is irregular periods.Hormonal imbalance creates problems in ovaries and the egg may not develop as it should or it may not be released as it should be leading to missed or irregular menstrual periods.

    2-Excessive Hair Growth

      High androgen(testosterone) level in woman with pcos causes excessive hair growth on face,chest,back and this condition is called Hirsutism.


      High levels of male hormones(testosterone) in the body causes oily skin leading to breakouts and  acne but you should also know that this is  not true in all cases as this condition  depends on the type of pcos you are  dealing with which i will talk about later.

    4-Weight Gain

      This is the issue that almost every woman with pcos faces.Weight gain occurs mostly around the area of waist.

    5-Sleep Problems

      Pcos causes insomnia or poor sleep that causes tiredness and even makes it difficult to lose weight.

    6-Hair Loss

      Thinning of hair and hair loss from head is also a sign of pcos


      Now keep that in mind that pcos is a common,but treatable,cause of infertility in women.Having pcos does not mean you can't get pregnant.

• Causes

-Increased insulin levels
-Chronic low grade inflammation
-Excess androgen
                      Increased androgens
                              and  LH


    1-Chronic anovulation

     If you have 8 or fewer periods/year or your cycle length is greater than 35 days then you should probably see your doctor as it can be a case of pcos.

    2-Clinical/Biochemical Hyperandrogenism

     As i have discussed above pcos is caused by increased testosterone levels in body.So it can be a diagnostic test.

    3-Polycystic ovaries

      Cysts in ovaries can be seen on ultrasound if you have pcos but remember that 12 or more follicles in each ovary measuring 2-9mm in diameter is a sign of pcos.

• Management/Treatment

  -A healthy lifestyle 
  -Healthy Diet 
  This is all you need to cure this situation.Medications may help you but a long term solution of this problem always comes from your lifestyle and eating habits and the most important one is your mental health.You should be healthy physically as well a mentally.

• Conclusion

  -If u have any of the symptoms then go and see your doctor.
  -Gain knowledge about your condition.
  -Make sure to eat and live healthy.
  -And don't panic because this condition can be cured.
  -And believe me if you want it you can do it.